SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: * 386SX-25 required (486DX-33 or faster recommended) * 4MB of RAM or greater * Super VGA video adapter (supporting 640x480x256 color resolution) and color monitor * MPC-rated sound card and CD-ROM drive * Microsoft mouse or 100% compatible * Windows 3.1 or higher * MS-DOS version 5.0 or higher * MSCDEX version 2.2.1 or higher * 5MB free on hard drive INSTALLATION: To install a Capitol Hill icon and program group onto your hard drive: 1) Insert CD-ROM into the CD player 2) From Windows, access the File Manager and double click on the install.exe file on the CD-ROM. This will load the appropriate QuickTime files, program group and icon onto your hard drive. 3) Re-boot your computer. 4) To start the program, double click the Capitol Hill icon. NOTES: This program must be run in 256 color mode. If the program runs out of memory during startup, then try increasing your Windows swap file size to 5MB. Refer to your Windows documentation for instructions on how to create or increase a swap file.